Our sales training program is a proven pathway to success, whether you're a seasoned sales professional or just starting out. With our online training format and proven sales scripts, you can access valuable resources and participate in daily coaching sessions from wherever you are. Our mentors provide personalized guidance and support, ensuring you have the tools and confidence to excel. Join the team now if you're looking to grow.
At Globe Life American Income Division (AlL), "Opportunity Unlimited" means you decide what you're worth. As an independent contractor, you are in control.
Your performance determines how much money you make and how far you take your career.
Not many careers let you decide what you make right from the start. Plus, with bonuses that can add up to thousands of dollars throughout the year, your income potential at All truly has no limits.
Every time you make a sale, or as a Manager, one of your Producers makes a sale, a percentage of the premium paid on the policy each month is credited to you. After you make the initial sale, you will receive this renewal, based on the vesting provisions of the contract, month in and month out as long as the policyholder continues to pay their premium. Your monthly renewals increase with every sale!